Ana Priscila Hoerner


To satisfy the Life Sciences requirement, I took BIOL 1120, Conservation Biology in the Spring 2017 semester.

I chose this course primarily because I am already interested in conservation, and I am already somewhat involved in the conservation community by being a dues paying member of several conservation groups. I love and enjoy the great outdoors, I enjoy wildlife, and I teach my children the rules of playing outside, which includes Leave No Trace. Personally, I am passionate about conservation. Coming into the course, I expected to learn more in depth information about the science of biology in the context of conservation. I expected to struggle a bit with the hard science part of biology, just because that is not where my strengths lie, but nevertheless, I was excited to learn more about conservation, a subject which I think is of extreme importance and significance to anyone who wishes to be a responsible citizen of Earth.

The coursework I link here is my reflection of "The Land Ethic" by Aldo Leopold. Aldo Leopold famously wrote a book called "A Sand County Almanac and Sketches Here and There." The reflection is regarding Part III of the same book entitled The Upshot and containing his essay The Land Ethic.

Another assignment I link to below is an assignment on Exponential Population Growth. That assignment helped me visualize concepts of sustainability, and the limiting factors of carrying capacities.

Signature Assignments

The Land Ethic: A Reflection
Population Growth: Limes
The Lorax