Ana Priscila Hoerner


To satisfy the American Institutions requirement, I took ECON 1740, Economic History of the U.S, in the Spring 2017 semester.

It is my very first semester back to school after almost a decade long pause from higher education. I wanted to start with a bang, and, if possible, with interesting topics. I needed the course to count, because I'm not messing around this turn I have at college.

I chose ECON 1740 over other courses that might fulfill the requirement, because the topic interested me. Going in, I expected to cover the same US History I know and love from my AP US History class in high school, only from an economic perspective.

The assignment I link below is entitled "Free or Equal." The assignment was to answer a few questions after watching a video based on the ideas of Milton Friedman, with comparisons of the levels of economic freedom enjoyed by several different countries, as well as some of their outcomes.

Signature Assignment

Free of Equal