Ana Priscila Hoerner


To satisfy the second composition requirement I took ENGL 2100 (Technical Writing) from Professor Elisa Stone in the Spring 2018 term as an online class.

This course has been surprisingly rewarding for me. I have learned that I am capable of producing good written work that is professional, clearly communicates my purpose, and is reproducible. Whereas before this course I merely suspected that I was capable of quality technical writing, now I have evidence of my ability.

I have developed tools necessary to work with others in a professional and constructive manner. We had several assignments which included a component of peer-reviews, and I both got good feedback from my peers and was able to communicate my critiques in an effective way. Professor Stone set up a very thoughtful and effective online course which kept me engaged and moving forward in my learning at every step. I thought her course was very practical, and I absolutely benefitted from taking her course.

One of the projects required me to write my résumé and a cover letter tailored to a position, ficticious or otherwise, to which I might apply; and to compile three technical writing samples that would represent me well to a potential employer. It delighted me to look for and find value in my own work. I have been free to pursue my own interests for the last ten years, and I don't soon plan to seek employment. However, I value the exercise, and felt proud at what I learned about myself. This project is what I included in my Writing Samples section for your appreciation. I welcome criticism.

Writing Samples

Cover Letter & Resume
Earthquake Preparedness Pamphlet
Geology Research Paper
Pipeline Project Cost Analysis